Analyst Registration

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The SPN community is sick of the way news is published today. We're sick of agenda driven, untrustworthy and unbalanced coverage of important stories. We also believe that no human can be unbiased. That's why we get our information from a group of transparent analysts who compete to be the best at informing and educating us about the details of the news that shapes our world. 

As an analyst for the SPN community you are tasked with 

• adding facts to stories that you think are very relevant but have been missed
• sharing clearly labeled opinions about the context and interpretation of the details
• challenging facts and opinions from other writers in an intelligent and respectful manner

You'll be doing so as part of a tournament, earning cash and recognition for being the best journalist. 

You'll also be 100% transparent with the community about your general worldview, so that we can give your thoughts serious consideration without feeling manipulated. 

Every week the 3 best analysts from both Left and Right win coins valued at $100, $75 and $50. As our community grows we hope to grow the weekly prizes. 

Analysts can also receive coins from tips given by our members when they appreciate excellence in your commentary.