I am a lifelong Conservative. From my earliest days I followed politics closely realizing the weight of the decisions being made by our elected representatives on our nation, our local communities, and our families. As I matured and my reasoning become more concretized in equal portions to my research skills I found that my bias was often confirmed by the facts on matters. My adherence to facts over feelings, my belief in small government, and in the exceptionalism of the great experiment that is the United States of America led me to service in the United States Army. It was in the Army I found an outlet for my love of the nation as well as a conduit to an organization that is (imperfectly) governed by the letter of the law rather than mere emotionalism.
As a parent to five children it is clear to me now like never before that we need more reasonable voices being heralded on both sides of the political aisle for the greater good of our children. I believe I am one of those voices, willing to speak from an established conservative bias, but never from a point of solely emotional argumentation which is fundamentally flawed.
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