French Accent
I'm a stand-up comedian (Google: French Accent, America's Got Talent, and check out my YouTube page if you like; my comedy album is NSFW, and it's called "I'm From Wyoming, Obviously", by French Accent), author (Amphibian and The Thief and the Sacrifice are my published novels, as well as many other short stories), musician (I'm on Spotify under Kevin Bennett, I also have a dozen or so music videos under the "music of Kevin Bennett" playlist on my YouTube page, the most recent of which is called "It's Really Just Fantasy), and content writer.
Since high school, I've seen the left-leaning domination of the MainStream Media, or MSM. It goes back further than many people think. As a young man, I got into theater to show that you don't have to be an anti-Christ sexual pervert to enjoy the arts. Acting, directing, music, performance, writing; these things don't require a leftist bent. It was so bad in 2004, Wyoming, that everybody assumed anyone in the industry was just some sort of fruit or nut. But I knew better. I had read C.S. Lewis and George MacDonald. I had listened to The Doobie Brothers. I had watched Clint Eastwood and John Wayne. I was aware of Ted Nugent. I knew that art was not necessarily bound to any political ideal; though throughout history, it has long been associated with the left. Even so, artistry could be expressed regardless of one's political affiliation.
But the left does not have truth on their side, and can only function through emotional manipulation. The best way to successfully manipulate emotions is through the arts. Rather than portraying the truth, the arts and media commonly create a false dichotomy with false alternatives presented in a theatrical way to produce a synthesized outcome. It's downright Hegelian. Thesis, antitheses, synthesis.
The arts and media today create a false paradigm, sell that, then create a synthetic solution to a real issue they've falsely characterized. It's ideological subversion writ large as outlined by Yuri Bezmenov in his 1984 interview, "Deception Was My Job" with Edward G. Griffin. How ironic that interview took place in 1984, but it seemed as though Yuri were describing today.
See, once they trick everybody into understanding the false situation, they push their bad solution. It was one thing when only Hollywood and the music industry pulled this chicanery. In 2016, things went fully operational across MSM outlets as a monolith.
Such monolithic alteration clearly demonstrates a consolidated agenda; it can't happen organically like that, unless everybody was already on the same side. Yuri pointed how this happened, see his interview to get an idea yourself.
As a comedian, I've faced being blackballed, ridiculed, and rejected. I've faced the same as a fiction writer and as a musician, though strangely music has been the least problematic of the industries I work in.
So what am I doing here? I'm trying to help get the truth out there, and pay my mortgage. And the truth is, the facts do not support the extreme left. That said, neither do they support the extreme right.
Rather, the facts support reality, and reality has components of either camp. However, for about the last forty years, what is called "leftism" isn't leftist; it's authoritarian and wears the leftist brand like a wolf under a wig in Little Red Riding Hood's house; it's a consolidated putsch toward national ideological subversion designed to implode this country, and thereby the world.
Meanwhile the far right is a puppet of this wolf.
The truth is, gram-gram went to Jesus a while ago, and it's time to recognize that, and avoid being fooled by this hairy wolf in the wig.
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